Monday, April 7, 2008

Fire-Up weekend

Thursday was a little party for Charlies son Drew
who turned the big 1-1!! Yay!!

It was followed by a week full of people and events. Grace and Josh + grandkiddies, Joshs Mother Donna,The CC Youth Group, and the band FlatFoot 56 showed up for the big Youth Event here: FIRE UP! I have gone as a youth leader for many years on and off. This year I was a volunteer. It was a whole different experience from that perspective, as well as living in marquette now and hosting people instead of being hosted. :-) This is the band boys. All 6' something except the bagpipe boy: Josh
That's why he has to jump to keep up:

This was the exciting job of guarding the doorway for people with Stage passes only. Charlie did great even if one person got through without a pass.
There was an illusionist; BJ Harris. He was awesome. But I liked this guy best:

Here's various youth people who were in and out and here and there. My personal favorites are the two boys on the left and the girl holding the baby. And the baby.
We were all wiped out. Except Zuri, who had been inspired by the speakers and was raring to go to church Sunday Morning while everyone else tried to recover:

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I still can't believe Flatfoot stayed at your house. Sniff sniff. But as Matt said "they're just normal people." but they're not!!
Anyway, looks like you guys had a grand ol time. That picture of Zuri is hilarious!