Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Scenes from life

Well, I have been sick of late... coughing and stiffling and croaking and so, so so weak and tired. Hopefully... I am on the upswing now. But I figured I'd upload a couple pictures while I convalesce:
Charlie and Hosanna fell asleep watching Sponge Bob. definitley an "awwwe" moment.
I was so happy that Luke would be able to snowboard with Joel Sunday. It was kinda Joels "party" after his lessons. I took this picture then headed home to crash (I am sick.. in case you forgot) no sooner had I heated some soup at hime then Luke called... afraid he had broken his wrist. EEk!! Thankfully, it was just a sprain.

1 comment:

Ken said...


Sorry to hear you've been sick!

Hey, that's a nice new (?) picture that you put up of you and Charlie in the upper right corner of the blog.
