Saturday, January 19, 2008


Lots of videos for ya'll today. First of all, we have Joel. He started snowboarding lessons and I am just the super proud momma. He wanted to make a little "teaching video" for others :-) so here it is:

This is Stepson Zach shooting (but missing, alas) in his teams playoff game. They did awesome, but lost this game nonetheless. Wait! Arrrgh! I saved the wrong video! Oopsy. Well.. (sheepish grin) Here he is making a practise shot:

And now we have Luke making TWO pins at his wrestling meet Saturday. Double Woot! I was doubly blessed to be there to see it! The first one he pinned in the first round, the second was after a pretty good fight.


Anonymous said...

Quite the sports family!!
That must keep you really busy going to all the sport events.
I'm sure it's a lot of fun!!!!


Bethany said...

Ok I read Stepson Zach as "Stephen Zach." I"m thinking...who is that? Is stepson supposed to be capitalized?
Those are great vids. Joel looks great snowboarding! And Luke got two pins! Hooray!

Anonymous said...

ahem...I know where those food pictures were from, peach cobbler with african animal contest pizzas...and no, I'm not throwing them away. Thank you for having such little faith in me.

and yes, we're splitting them up. We're all entitled to our memories. don't worry, there's MORE then enough for each person.

and ps. I want to do the pictures you have too. If I'm on a roll...might as well keep going. I plan on putting them in albums for each they don't have a huge box that they have to go through later.

oh and the polaroids are from your honeymoon.

Anonymous said...

we're leaving tomorrow at 12:00pm...going to the 3:30 showing. we'll plan on meeting you there? hannah montana party afterwards?