Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Luke Wrestles & Hannah Rocks

This is me with the lead singer of "Within Your Gates." This awesome band played next door to me Friday and I got to see the concert and spend time with thier singer.

Here's some action shots of my wrestling-type guy:

Luke gets a medal!! Woot!
Luke kicking butt:

Hannah kicks butt here.. but you gotta endure some fuzzy sound. My camera mic didn't handle the loud band very well, but hang in to the end because you will get a chance to hear hannah kick it out!


Bethany said...

Wow, I wish I could meet that lead singer. She is awesome!
It almost looked like Luke was gonna get a pin. Was that the meet we were at?

Ken said...

Way to go, Luke! Way to belt it out, Hannah!

Oh, that reminds me, we need to let everyone know that Hannah has a blog now!

lovetheonly said...

Wow, I wish I could meet that lead singer!

Yay, I'll have to show my band that video :D

--oh and go luke.