Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Homeschooling has begun... and already my spirit has revived to read about Christopher Columbus and "The Light and the Glory," and feeling the sparks of passion for our nations Christian heritage reignite within... This book Joel is reading is historical fiction for kids and the first section was written as a diary on September 5th, 1492! Coincidence?

And of course to be able to do this reading outside at Presque Isle just makes it more enjoyable yet! I admit I missed Hannah and Luke alot. *sniffle* They would have loved being outside for school, playing catch and creating adventures on the break wall.

A pensive Joel. We walked as far out as our cowardliness would allow and grew dizzy watching the gentle splashing of waves. We talked about how frightening it would be to sail out into uncharted waters.

And this picture was taken just because the warm air, blue water, and scenic cliffs does something healing to a persons soul. Don't ya think?


Anonymous said...

Joel, enjoy your studies!

Joni, happy birthday!

Grace, happy belated birthday! (I assume you'll see this ;-)

Anonymous said...

thanks Okle!

now...if only Joel would do his work down here in the coffee shop....hmmmmmm