Saturday, October 6, 2007

Happiness is a Cute baby Australian Terrier.

This is our little "Sadie Mae" who is waiting for us to pick her up October 20th.
Sorry Kenny.. but naming her after your street just ain't doing it for us. However.. I am sure she would be happy to keep up with Smarty from her own little "spot" someday.


Anonymous said...

What an adorable dog!!!
It ALMOST makes me want to get another dog.


Bethany said...

uh...I don't think she looks too happy about her outfit.

Anonymous said...

I agree with bethany...I think she would be much happier in an all black dress with a little bonnet.

KOphotography Karen Oglesby said...

She's adorable.... should we throw a baby dog shower and buy lots of doggie clothes???

Bethany said...

I'm here! If you're trying to call me, you can't. Our phone is dead. I brought (or thought) our charger to the conference but it has yet to be found. Oops.
Bonnie has the same phone but is in NM. She gets home late tonight though.
I'll email you a phone #

Ken said...

It's more than a street, it's an attitude.

But alas, Sadie Mae will have to suffice. "Rokeby" still makes a nice nickname.