I know this may be shocking, but I am a woman of few words right now. I have been working Way too many hours and I finally have a day off and thought I'd throw up scenes from a Cornerzone concert a few nights ago. It has been great to be involved in my kiddos life again, and I am grateful for so many answers to prayer!
Oh, P.S: Josh leads a Bible Study and worship time at the Zone every Thursday. These have been well attended and really good.
Be sure to check out these dancing vids: ;-)
Next pics will be from our trip to New mexico!! Woot! We visit Bethany February 23rd to March 3rd. I am soooooo ready!!
This is my "family" blog with pictures and stuff for people who know me, love me, or are related to me and therefore stuck with me. It is a place to show off my kids activities, grandgirl pics, and scenic views from my hometown