Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ontonagon, MI

Charlie and I discovered a really beautiful strech of beach when we drove to Ontonagon to see Lukes football game yesterday:

And Check out Luke in great form....
And making a tackle! Woot!

And just cuz God Loves Luke He placed a rainbow at Lukes game:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cheerleading *still* runs in the Family!

Well folks... I have started a new job. I am a dietary aid at "Brookridge Assisted living." I think I will be liking it alot as soon as I get used to all the exercise, And as soon as I am working 20 hours a week instead of 40, as I am now. Meanwhile the posts here at J Luvs C may be sporadic at best, but trust that I am reading yours, even if I am too tired to respond.
This video comes with a special shout-out to Sis Karen: Step aside Oglesby girls!

Friday, September 5, 2008

American Idol Concert!

Here we are at the Resch center in GreenBay, awaiting the big concert!

Charlie was asked to challenge a girl to guiotar hero. Of corse he rocked the house! ;-)
We were pretty close. Woulda liked to be closer... but not bad. here's a nice shot of Michael Johns with my zoom. he did really, really, good. He came in #2 place at our concert as far as I'm concerned.
David Archuletta was everything you'd expect him to be: a giggling crooner.
Here is the winner and still #1 (also a good shot of our seat view) David Cook!!